A Capital Idea-The Wednesday Hodgepodge Vol 29
1. Have you ever been to the US capital-Washington DC? If so, what's your favorite site? If not, what would you most like to see on a visit to that city someday in the future? Is it even on your list of places to visit?
Oh yes, I have! I have been a few different times to visit my dear friend Cindy Saunders. Personally, my favorite site is the Saunders home...but if that's not an option, then the Capitol Building. There's something magical about it. It has so much history and history (good and bad) is made there every day!
2. When did you last attend a wedding? Are there any weddings on your summer calendar? Were you a summer bride? If you're single, is summer the season of your dream wedding?
I last attended my friend Julie's wedding. She was a BEAUTIFUL summer bride, and I was a bridesmaid. I don't have any more weddings on my summer calendar...but you never know! Oh wait, my friend told me today that he's getting married August 9th. Looks like I do after all. And yes, I was a summer bride! I always dreamed of getting married in springtime so that I could have tulips at my wedding. I got married at the end of summer -- hardly tulip season, but don't worry, I had my tulips anyway!
3. What is your favorite way to eat strawberries?
This is a hard question, as strawberries are basically the best type of berry. (Except for fresh picked blueberries. I miss those.) Other than all by itself, I think a strawberry is best in a strawberry trifle. Or jam.
4. What is one thing you are especially looking forward to this summer?
Going to Lake Powell with my husband and a family in our ward that we're friends with. Two weeks!
5. Do you use/like the self checker at the grocery store?
NO!!!!!!! I hate them. It always takes twice as long as a human checker. And I would rather stand in line. I get very angry at self checkers and they often ruin an otherwise perfectly delightful trip to the grocery store (which is my favorite kind of store).
6. Share a favorite piece of common sense advice.
Don't curl your eyelashes while you are walking to class on campus. That is just strange. And unnecessarily dangerous.
7. Barefoot, flip flops, tennis shoes, sassy sandals-your first choice for summertime?
Flip-flops for everyday. Tennis shoes for running!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I LOVE SUMMER! I love HOT and HUMID weather (can't wait to get back to Tennessee). I love the sun. I love not having to lug a jacket around with me everywhere. I love being warm. And most of all, I love having time to spend with my cute husband!!! All I do is work for 40 hours a week. Then I get to come home and work out, make dinner, and do other fun things with my husband! Is this what real life is like? Because it is magical. :-)