Sunday, October 26, 2008

Getting to know me...getting to know all about me...

1. I went to five elementary schools.
2. I broke my wrist when I was five after roller skating across a ramp I built...
3. I LOVE Disney princesses...yes, they are on my sheets, and my pillow, and my calendar, and my tupperware. Don't laugh -- it's cool.
4. My favorite candy = the mellowcreme pumpkins that only come at Halloween
5. I love musicals.
6. I love lima beans.
7. My favorite state is Tennesse.
8. I used to collect rubber ducks -- I have eighty something in boxes at home...somewhere.
9. I am terrified of foxes and sharks. And heights.
10. I hate elevators -- I'd rather take the stairs.
11. Macaroni and cheese and peanut butter and jelly and grilled cheese happen to be my favorite foods. No, I never did grow out of them.
12. Milk and chocolate are just plain gross. and cherries. yuck.
13. I hate cold. I love summer. Why did God create snow?
14. I can go past 180 degrees in my right and left splits. No, it's not painful.
15. I've worn glasses since I was five.
16. I broke my big toe and had a boot and crutches for six weeks.
17. I dance on pointe (on the tips of my toes) and I call it fun.
18. I am paler than everyone I've ever met.
19. I played wallball and ate cheetos by a lake we hiked to on my first date. Probably one of the best I've ever been on.
20. I was the girls' wallball champion in fifth grade. I beat a bunch of the boys too.
21. Favorite flower= tulips!
22. I love Chinese food!
23. First kiss: in a park by a lake...I see a pattern here?
24. My clothes rarely match.
25. I've donated my hair to locks of love twice.
26. favorite princess: cinderella
27. I used to hide in the bathroom and read all night long because I hated to put down a book I was reading.
28. I don't believe in dinosaurs.
29. favorite scripture: Omni 1:26
30. I bruise VERY easily.
31. I have a scar from when I was 10 and making pancakes. The pan slipped off the counter and I caught it -- reflex gone bad. It's still there. I guess I'll never forget to not touch hot pans.
32. I can't stand it when people make noise when they spit.
33. I can't grow my fingernails long and HATE fake fingernails.
34. I always keep my toenails painted.
35. I love to teach dance.
36. I have a hot pink digital camera.
37. I met my best friend Hollie when I was seven -- and we've been best friends ever since.
38. I've done a handstand on the great wall of China.
39. I've been seranaded to by a Chinese man.
40. I've eaten pig's ear -- GROSS. I don't recommend it.
41. To entertain myself while at the orthodontist I would make up stories about getting abducted by terrorists and living in Afghanistan.
42. I was homeschooled for four years.
43. I was private schooled for a year.
44. I was public shooled for eight years.
45. Somehow I ended up with a scholarship to BYU...
46. I love softball and baseball.
47. I can't throw a football. It's terrible.
48. I know I'm a dancer, but when I try to kick a soccer ball I miss...really.
49. I love Disney movies.
50. I never watch t.v. I don't have any idea what plays on any night of the week.
51. I can't sit down for more than about fifteen minutes without getting very, very bored.
52. I'm allergic to penecillin and ceclor -- the only antibiotic I can take is Zithromax
53. I've been to Disney world three times.
54. I sang in the Basilica San Marcos in Venice.
55. I sang for President George W. Bush at the white house with my choir. We got background checked by the FBI and got to wear badges that said "talent". I thought it was something.
56. I've never stayed out all night.
57. I've never seen Titanic.
58. I love polka dots.
59. I like to go rock climbing.
60. I climb an average of 250 stairs every day.
61. I hate mountains -- they make me feel claustrophobic.
62. I'm constantly cold.
63. I love swimming and jumping on trampolines.
64. I've played piano since I was three and taught since I was thirteen.
65. I love wearing hats but do not look good in them.
66. I decorate in pink and orange. Period. Are there any other colors?
67. My favorite position in softball is catcher.
68. My sisters are the cutest things on the planet! (well, that's kind of about me)
69. I've worked on nine different campaigns. And had lots of people yell at me.
70. I work at Subway...and LOVE it. I guess making sandwiches brings me joy.
71. I'm terrified of dying my hair.
72. I was in an earthquake this summer that was a 7.5 on the richter scale. If the ground shakes beneath me I freak out. Royally.
73. My first car was a bright yellow truck. It had no air conditioning.
74. My truck would die randomly while I was driving. As in the engine would turn off.
75. The radio would only work at speeds of 40 mph or higher.
76. The driver's seat would not move and I could BARELY reach the gas pedal. And if it said you were in drive you were really in 2nd. If it said you were in neutral you were really in drive...weird. Needless to say, people could not borrow my vehicle without a crash course.
77. My boyfriend threw a softball at my so hard that I missed it and it broke the fence -- about twenty feet behind me. He's really not violent... I promise.
78. I choose water over every other drink. Even at breakfast.
79. I love oatmeal.
80. I like writing in pencils better than pens.
81. I wore a poodle skirt to school one day in eighth grade. because I could. And it was the fiftieth day of school.
82. I played the bassoon in middle school band.
83. I like eating leftovers cold. For breakfast.
84. Peanut butter goes well on everything. That includes spaghetti noodles.
85. I used to bite my brother when we'd get in fights. I was always bigger than him (he's two years older) and still am. I always won.
86. I got every single try-it badge as a Brownie girl scout.
87. I've repelled off a 200-foot cliff.
88. I like singing at obnoxiously loud levels and playing the piano for fun.
89. My sister and I have competitions to see who can keep a straight face the longest. Believe it or not, I always win.
90. I can't wait to graduate!!! In 1 1/2 years...and counting.
91. I look forward the most to raising my own kids.
92. I make an excellent pound cake and sugar cookies. My roommates always complain I'm making them fat... but hey, I can't eat it all!
93. I've gone on three different dates (with three different boys) in one day: including breakfast in Nashville, a movie in Collierville (suburb of Memphis), and a dance in Memphis. And I was the girlfriend of the guy in bad.
94. Tennessee BBQ is the only BBQ worth eating. With banana pudding...yum!
95. I used to run laps in my backyard because I wasn't allowed to go running by myself -- all the while waiting for the guy I liked to call me... As he did every night.
96. I owned a vending machine business in high school. It paid for my whole first year of college.
97. The first time I ate a habanero sausage with cheese I squirted cheese on my boyfriends' parents' kitchen curtains. Yep. I'm that cool. I never eat spaghetti with a white shirt on and rare is the meal that I make it through without spilling on myself. My mom asks if there's a hole in my lip.
98. The first time I met Clayton I kept wondering why this incredibly attractive young man kept watching me and was really hoping that he would come talk to me. He did, so I guess he made all my wildest dreams come true... :)
99. I'm incredibly good at breaking up with guys, but incredibly bad at making the break-up last.
100. I love a man named Clayton and he makes me smile every day! He also told me to do this... but it was fun, so i guess it was worth it.


Anonymous said...

I love it. I am so glad you did that. I need to finish mine. I especially loved the last one. you are a sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you did this! Some of these things I'm totally opposite, but you'd be surprised how many we have in common. Pumpkins are my favorite Halloween candy! I think I've already had 5 bags this year. But how can you not like chocolate??? How do you cope on those certain days w/o chocolate?

Anonymous said...

the cream. :)

Anonymous said...

So which Disney Princess is your favorite? I love Disney. Back when we actually had tv I loved to watch their silly movies. Everything is clean and always ends up happily. Thanks for letting us know more about you!

Clay's sister Lauren

Anonymous said...

cinderella, of course. I like to pretend I'm cinderella sometimes... of course, we don't need to tell anybody that... :) And you're welcome. It was all your brother's idea, but it was fun coming up with all those random facts about me.

Anonymous said...

That made me laugh so much!!!! Oh, I know you too well... Why on earth did I not find out you blogged sooner?!?!?