Friday, June 11, 2010


Guys, I apologize, but I just have nothing to say. Kind of a down week, you know? Nothing wrong. Just tired. I have lots of homework and working to do. :-) But I'm alive and well and will write an incredibly engaging blog post about my ridiculously interesting life another day.

Oh, random tidbit. Yesterday we had a family of 3 come to Taco Bell (a mom and her two teenage children) and they spent $22 on Taco Bell food! Twenty-Two dollars! I packed two trays full of food. Is that just me, or is that beyond disgusting? BLECH!


Never Enough Orange said...

agreed. too much bad food

gobyucougars said...

Definitely beyond disgusting. And not to worry. With the schedule you keep, I can imagine there are days (and even weeks) where you can't clear school from the brain and concentrate on "fun" things like writing in your blog. We love ya anyway! :-)