Thursday, October 29, 2009


So, I just got a promotion at work! I'm now a student manager! YAY! I'm excited. Now if I can just stop taking advantage of more opportunities and spend time with Clayton and call my family and friends every once in a while, I'd be doing really well! :-) Anyways, I'm super duper excited.

Also, the weirdest thing happened this morning. My usual routine is: my alarm goes off at 6, and I get up at 6:30 (Clayton really appreciates that). I get ready for school, eat breakfast, and finish up homework, then crawl back in bed for five minutes at 7:30 so that I can try to get feeling back into my freezing fingers (I'm always freezing in the morning). I drag Clayton out of bed so he can drive me to school, and I'm at my Chinese class by 8. Well, this morning I was doing homework at the kitchen table and Clayton walked out at 7:15. It was the strangest thing. I've never seen him get up just because he wanted to before 9. And you know what? He said he liked it.

Oh yeah, our date was awesome last weekend. We went to five guys and the haunted forest, and I barely got scared. (Because Clayton pushed me through everything and got in between me and the "monsters"). Anyway, a great time was had by all. We've been trying to make friends, so we had a guy I know from work bring a date. Now we're setting the same guy up with a girl from Clayton's work to play games with us on Saturday. If only we could make friends with people that were already couples... Oh well.


Miss Taylor said...

Hooray! I'm so happy for you ;) Let me know your new schedule so I can come run into you!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the promotion. And on getting Clayton up before 9! Wish I could sleep till 9. Even if I could, I can't seem to. Does that make sense?