Friday, October 30, 2009

I have no time left

I've come to a point this semester. I am ridiculously overwhelmed but I keep eeking by okay. Anyways, I just can't figure out what to do next and I can't concentrate and I feel so behind that I am so stressed that I can't do anything, so I do nothing. Productivity at its finest. Okay, okay, so it's not nothing -- I'm just blogging and working extra hours at work. Because my physical science is so boring. Anyone who knows me well will know why I can't do my physical science. We just started a new section. Can anyone guess what it is?

P.S. I sound like I'm terribly behind, but for most normal college students, it's not behind. It's completely on top of things. I just like being at least a few days ahead in my classwork and homework, but I'm not ahead. That's what bothers me.

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