Friday, November 21, 2008

Thankful Thoughts

I'm thankful today for my good grades. One of the wonderful ironies of BYU (and universities everywhere I'm told, but don't know first hand) is the fact that every professor on campus will tell you that the grade doesn't matter; it's the process of learning. However, for those of us on scholarship, we have to keep a high GPA to retain the funding that is enabling our process of learning. Oh the hypocrisy! Anyways, I just thought I'd be thankful for the many times I've received excellent grades when I'm pretty sure I don't deserve them. Don't get me wrong, I put my time in. I do all my homework, and about 90% of assigned readings (come on, it's impossible to do it all). I was just amazed last night to find out I got the highest score for the entire 200 person class on our economics midterm. I've been complaining all semester about how hard it is... Anyways, not to brag or anything, but just demonstrate how blessed I've been to be able to put in a little work and understand concepts that are honestly very challenging for me.

That thought leads into my next topic of grattitude, and that is for answered prayers. I pray all the time for help with exams that I'm positive I'm not prepared for and for help to get through everything that has to happen that day. Also to stay awake in history, to enjoy work, to have the energy to dance my best -- the list goes on and on. But everytime I really need something, I've never been let down. It amazes me. I called the mom of a friend who died in a car accident this summer and just started chatting with her. A couple minutes into the conversation, she just stopped and said, "Erika, did you know you're an aswer to my prayers?" What do you say to that? I honestly didn't know, so I said so, and sat back amazed as she explained her week to me. She'd just been having a terrible week and didn't know what to do, so she prayed that someone would be able to help her. I wasn't the only one that called her that day, but knowing that the Lord can answer prayers through me is an incredible feeling. A humbling feeling. And I hope that I can continue to do that.

John 14:13 "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do..."


Anonymous said...

Beautiful post. You are a very sweet young woman. It shows in everything you do.

(That being said, I can't hold back any longer. It's "anyway", not "anyways".)

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to be an answer to prayers. Good for you!